Guangzhou Levao Co., Limited

Home > Products > salon mirror station > Led lighted salon mirror station

  • Led lighted salon mirror station
  • Led lighted salon mirror station
  • Led lighted salon mirror station
  • Led lighted salon mirror station
  • Led lighted salon mirror station
  • Led lighted salon mirror station
Led lighted salon mirror station Led lighted salon mirror station Led lighted salon mirror station Led lighted salon mirror station Led lighted salon mirror station Led lighted salon mirror station

Led lighted salon mirror station

  • Product Item : MS1005
  • Category: salon mirror station
  • Led lighted salon mirror
  • double side mirror station
  • wall mounted mirror
  • Product description:this is Led lighted salon mirror station , could make in double side mirror station and wall mounted mirror staiton . led light color and size are customized
  • Inquiry

Double back to back Styling Station offers ample storage on both sides of this free-standing unit allowing stylists to comfortably utilize the provided working area. Built-in outlets making operating with tools a ease.

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